ALCOHOLIC-DRINKS-Jaden boat charter hire perth wa


Most boat charters in Perth want to have alcoholic drinks on board as part of the day's enjoyment. BlueSun can give you all sorts of tips and advice on where to get them, how much to order and much more.


You can BYO Alcoholic Drinks on the Jaden which is great for the party and the budget. 

After years helping to organise boat parties and dealing with the hassle of drop offs and pick ups, we know how much smarter it is to use a bottle shop that will do everything for you. They will do your order, get the drinks chilled the day becore, as well as provide ice and water. Your job is just to show up! Call us to get a list of preferred bottle shops: 1300 799 758.

Eskys are not needed unless you want to have one ready after the charter to take your drinks away. The boat has three huge eskys placed around the back deck, which makes it really easy to serve yourselves. Bottle openers are provided. 


Jaden follows the guidelines of liquor licensing and does not tolerate drunk or disorderly behaviour in any way. We kindly ask that you note the terms and conditions that you signed on your Booking Form and read the Commercial Charter Vessel Code of Conduct flier. Here are a few of the basic rules we would like you to follow:

  • No bottles of clear spirits (ie gin, vodka, whisky etc)
  • No shooters
  • Substantial food must be provided for your event
  • 2 x water bottles per person must be provided
  • The boat charter can be terminated at any time, without refund, if guests are deemed to be intoxicated


Liquor licenses are generally not required for cruises, but it is your obligation to check what is needed for your event. Please check that no liquor license is required for your cruise by calling the Department of Racing Gaming and Liquor (RGL) beforehand.  

For further information, call our friendly Alcoholic Drinks experts on 1300 799 758.

1300 799 758